
Stay Here To Experience…


Your life gets to feel good for you… And I’m here to show you how it’s done!


I’ve always known that there was more to this life. Here’s a little bit of my truth…

I’ve been known to push the limitations of what others have told me is possible.

And I’ve accomplished some pretty amazing things!

I’ve owned an NGO that provided care packages for the homeless in my country, built and sold a jewelry business, went to online business school and then started a marketing agency which lead me to being featured in my local newspaper at least 4 times, then I tore it all down to study Somatic therapy & Tantra for two years & became a digital nomad all before turning 30!

Since I was a child, I’ve been marching to the beat of my own drum, and I rarely, if ever, subscribe to the traditional way of doing things.

You see, for me it’s important to question WHY we do things the things we do. Instead of unconsciously going along with the status-quo, I care more about how something makes me feel than what others think of me. Does it light me up? Does it bring me joy? Does it serve my highest alignment? And is it leading me to where I want to go?

These are the questions I ask myself when making decisions.

I believe that true FREEDOM is not necessarily having all the money or free-time in the world, instead I believe that freedom is the ability choose the thoughts we want to think, the capacity to choose the emotions we want to feel, and the wisdom to choose conscious actions that are in alignment with our authentic goals & desires.

And this is what I want for you!

The kind of freedom that liberates you from making choices based on other people’s expectations, a freedom that busts through your own limitations and pushes your own edges so that you can reach new heights in your life, career and relationships that serve your heart’s deepest desires.

You really can have it all. And anyone who tells you different, probably isn’t living a life they absolutely love!

Let me show you how to create a life that feels so damn good for you, where all of your dreams get to be a reality.

Local Newspaper Feature in Trinidad & Tobago (2017)

Volunteers from The KWC Foundation on a Feeding project for the homeless (2016)

Local Newspaper Feature in Trinidad & Tobago (2019)

Hey There Gorgeous Soul, I’m Kristen

And I'm devoted to helping you unlock your greatest potential in your life, career & relationships.

As a Somatic life coach, I’m here to help you receive your heart’s deepest desire…whatever that may be.

I've spent the last 4 years studying, coaching and teaching hundreds of incredible people from all over the world, how to feel at home in their bodies, deepen intimacy in their relationships and step into the wildest, most successful and authentic version of themselves. 

My approach works within the realms of  
Neuroscience, Body Work, Behavioral Psychology, Business & Self Mastery, Tantra, Sacred Sexuality & many other healing modalities.

I believe that healing our deepest wounds & trauma is the path to liberation.

Together we will reach your personal BLISS!

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Download my FREE Relationship guide and dive deeper into your relationship patterns. This handbook will help you unpack all the blocks you have to love & connection and empower you with the tools to fulfill your heart’s deepest desire in relationship with powerful step-by-step practices and insightful questions.


If you’re ready to break through your own limitations, receive the epic love you’ve been searching for and uplevel in your business or career,
then you’ve come to the right place!


The majoirity of my clients first come to me because they’re tired of going to talk therapy or hiring another mindset coach only to wonder why they’re not getting the results they desire… And that search for change stops here!

Working with me will be the biggest transformational experience you’ll ever have!

In our work together, we’ll dive deep into your childhood patterns & general life experiences to uncover the root cause of your limitations.

Through somatic therapy, we’ll begin to emotionally and physically process any past hurts that are being stored in your nervous system & body so that we can create the inner spaciousness you need to make massive changes and drop the behavioural patterns that no longer serve you.

In a short space of time you’ll begin to regain control over your life by rewiring your subconscious patterns, clarifying your authentic desires and taking small intentional actions that lead to BIG results in your life, career & relationships.


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want to go even deeper into reclaiming your freedom, Upleveling in your career & cultivating deeper intimacy in your Relationships?


Here’s what my clients say about working with me…

Working with Kristen over the past few months has been the best decision that I could have made for myself! In each of our weekly sessions, she provided me with the support and safety to address and confront the obstacles in my life that I had been avoiding for too long.
I feel like a new person – and I could not be more grateful to Kristen for holding the space for me to achieve such personal growth. I have absolutely zero reservations in recommending her services to anyone!

Sonya Gyan - Attorney at Law

Kristen’s is THE coach you didn’t know you needed in your life! She empowers you to create the life you envision for yourself.
As a person who has gone to therapy on and off throughout my life, working with Kristen has created more changes than all those experiences combined and I am able to see the impact it is having every single day! Kristen finds a way to bring out the parts of you that are dying to feel seen and heard. This is the BEST investment I have ever made just for me.

Portia Mc Quilkin - Occupational Therapist

Kristen is amazing. Her expert guidance make sessions feel light but very cathartic. I feel myself letting go of baggage I was not even aware I was carrying… and it definitely brings a sense of peace. This is the process…and it gets messy and uncomfortable at times…but I absolutely feel myself being transformed. Thank you Kristen. 

Aliza Lalla - Bank Clerk 

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Work With Me



A 6 month coaching container to liberate yourself from unhealthy patterns that no longer serve you & change the trajectory of your life, career and relationships for the better.

This coaching container is very results focused and will require you to step out of your comfort zone and push your own limitations so that you can achieve your greatest potential.

In the Pleasure Path we bring awareness to root cause of the challenges you’re experiencing through inner child work, processing any stuck or stagnant emotions through somatic practices and begin to subconsciously rewire your neural pathways so that you can take intentional and conscious actions that are in alignment with your desires.

Our main focus in these 6 months often revolve around your personal goals, career or business, your intimate relationships and your overral emotional wellbeing.


A seven week intensive that focuses on Intimacy Practices in order to create space for Fulfilling Relationships & awaken your feminine essence.

This intensive is for you if you’d like to break free from unhealthy relationship patterns that tend to repeat themselves over and over and step into an empowered approach that fulfills your heart’s deepest calling for connectio, intimacy & joy.

In these seven weeks, we will explore your default patterns as it relates to communication, pleasure & intimacy, your connection to your body, conflict management, emotional intelligence & your sensual expression.

You will be given weekly exercises to complete and resource guides to help you master self love and deepen your intimacy with yourself & others.

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explore the energetics, somatics & logistical pieces behind running a successful business.

Download my FREE Business Alchemy guide. In this handbook, we will deep dive into reflection exercises that help you gain clarity on how to turn your business dreams into a reality.

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Here’s what my clients say about working with me…

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Expand your capacity for pleasure, intimacy, abundance & joy.

Let’s consciously create the life you truly desire together!